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Monday, September 05, 2005

Developing the Business developers

Aleks at the Guardian has done us proud at pixel-lab with a great mention on her blog.

She sights new business stars of tomorrow as potential sources of funds for new developers.

Skilset's recent work around course accreditation focuses on creative teachings - programming, art, game design et al. This is mainly as it is felt that the business end of the industry is adequately handled by the current range of business school courses - marketing, finance, accountancy, business development, management, etc.

But I do feel these courses, good as they may be are too generic for the sector. There is a gap from university to industry without the space for graduates to pick up sector specific skills.
Yes - University's role is not just to prepare people for jobs in the industry.
Yes - Industry does have a role to play in skill development.
But we do need at least one or two good games producer courses. even if they are post graduate courses.

At Nasa it takes 15 years post university before anyone is allowed to manage a $1,000,000 project. In our industry I know their must be many publisher's producers who manage < $5,000,000 projects who are barely 27!

Maybe another option for Derby University, especially as their games course is housed in their business school.

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