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Sunday, September 04, 2005

First Massive Multi Player 3G Wireless Game

Hong Kong based Artificial Life, Inc. announced the upcoming release of its first massive multi player 3G mobile game.

The new game is based in its style and core functionality on the Company’s award winning v-girl™ and virtual boyfriend 3G game series. The game establishes a massive multi user mobile virtual community and is custom build for 3G phones, however can also be played on 2.5G and 2.75G/EDGE phones with slightly reduced functionality and speed.

Players of the game can select a virtual persona for themselves and inhabit and live in a simulated virtual city. When navigating through the virtual city, users can contact and interact directly with other players in real time, have live real time chats with other human players or chatter bots, enter and explore virtual buildings, use interactive objects and co-operate with others to solve certain tasks or to avoid certain threats. The game is expected to become a widely popular new type of interactive mobile dating game.

The new game runs with Java J2ME clients on an extended version of Artificial Life’s Distributed Smart Engine Mobile Platform™. Players can interact with a potentially unlimited number of concurrent users.

The new game is scheduled for launch in Q4, 2005. The game name and brand will be announced in the coming weeks along with further game features and details.

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