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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Graduate Career Fair at Develop Conference

Tandem Events are launching two careers fairs for game studies grduates. Called Games Grads, the one-day events take place in Manchester and London on April 24th and 26th, respectively.

The events have been designed to give students the chance to get in front of some of the industry's leading game creators and developers.

"The UK computer and video games industry is worth more than £2 billion annually and, with three next gen platforms on the market this year, there is huge potential for further growth in 2007 and beyond. That growth will require fresh – and very talented – blood, and that's where Games Grads comes in," explained Andy Lane, managing director of Tandem Events.

"Specialist computer and video games degree courses are on the increase, but until now there has never been a career fair specifically designed for this skills market. There are plenty of general careers fairs targeted at school kids, and that's fine, but Games Grads is a step above that. It's for those people who have already made a commitment to working in the computer and video games industry by enrolling on a vocational course to establishing a professional qualification: exactly the kind of people that publishers and developers are looking for."

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