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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Gears of War cost only $9m

Epic’s Mark Rein says blockbuster games like Gears of War don’t have to cost eight figure numbers. He says the Xbox 360 smash came in at under $10 million.Image In an interview with Wired he said, “We spent less than $10 million to make Gears of War. People are always saying that making next-generation games is really expensive, and we're saying, you should license our technology."

The company says Japan is its big ambition right now. “It's definitely a challenge to convince Japanese developers to work with a third-party technology like ours. But we've got a few, and we're gonna have more. I think Square Enix, they're the granddaddy. I'm hoping that'll be pulling the stopper out of the drain, and we'll get more. We've been looking to hire somebody in Japan, to be our representative there. It's really hard to find somebody who speaks really good English, knows our technology well, is native Japanese, has an engineering background, can answer complex questions. We're looking, the job's open.” Here's the link.

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