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Friday, January 19, 2007

Geometrics Demo's new lighting effects at Game On

Co-founder of Geomerics, Dr Chris Doran, will give the first public display of the company's graphics software for home consoles, as part of his talk next week at the Game On exhibition.

The demonstration of the real-time, cinematic lighting technology will form part of Doran's presentation, where he will also discuss the technical challenges facing game developers.

"I am excited to be unveiling a glimpse of what our technology is capable of at Game On," commented Doran.

"Lighting is one of the biggest challenges for the next-generation of videogames, but real-time reflection and radiosity effects are seen by many as an unattainable goal, even on the newest consoles."

"I'm here to prove that the bar can be raised. Realistic lighting is now within reach for games developers worldwide," he said.

Dr Chris Doran will present 'Video Games: Look at the Future' as part of the Game On exhibition at London's Science Museum on January 22.

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