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Friday, October 27, 2006

Hansoft v4.

Today, Hansoft announced that v4 of their Hansoft project management and collaboration tools has been released. With this new release, Hansoft now supports "Agile methodology." This includes Agile methods like SCRUM and eXtreme Programming.

"The interest and demand for us to release support for Agile methodologies has been massive," says Hansoft Managing Director Patric Palm. "There is a need in the market for a tool that can take Agile methodologies to the next level. This is of special importance within game development since these productions are specifically intensive, complex and demanding. We have also had studios running the beta of our Agile release in sharp projects with very positive results."

"Managing a next-gen production becomes much easier with the benefits Hansoft provides for all team members in their daily work," says Lars Johansson, Producer at Starbreeze, client of Hansoft. "We successfully implemented an Agile workflow in just weeks in the middle of a production with help of the Agile supporting functionality in Hansoft. It's truly user-friendly and without the administrative time that other products require."

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