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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Emotion is key to successful games, says Will Sargent

Without an emotional attachment, games and other forms of entertainment will fail, according to William Sargent, CEO of Superman and X-Men movie effects house Framestore.

Sargent was taking part in a panel discussion entitled 'The Industry Speaks: The Future of Entertainment', held in London yesterday evening.

"The only things that succeed are those that make an emotional connection to people," said Sargent, whose visual effects company has worked on Hollywood blockbusters such as X-Men: The Last Stand, Superman Returns, V for Vendetta and Doom.

"There is a huge amount of appalling movies and appalling games, and generally the story doesn't touch you, there's no connection, you don't believe in it."

"A piece of music that touches you emotionally, you can download it. Movies touch you when you go and see them. Whatever happens going forward in entertainment, the only thing that is going to work to create great games, films and TV programs is emotion," he said.

Confident of the UK's role in the future of interactive and visual entertainment, Sargent was also keen to praise the talent of the creative industries in the country.

"The reason why American studios have travelled on mass to London and the UK, and every one of the seven major studios in Hollywood are working with visual effects companies in London this calendar year, is that the UK is very much considered the foremost creative location for both films and games," he said.

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