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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Howard Rheingold

Howard as visiting lecture at DMU is opening the Institute Of Creative Technologies.
Introduced by Sue Thomas, Howard is looking at the future of interactive colloboration and a look at how our communities are evolving through virtual and digital networks.

As a celebration of the IOCT and a chance for Howard to speak he presented some of his ideas to a really large audience of academics, businesses, and artists.

Starting with the evolution of war, health, and politics Howard looked at the a range of ideas to confirm the importance

virtual communicties based on writing.
People are prepared to go to war over an idea, based on literacy (pamphlet)
The public word spread to the collonies based on governance created scientific thought.

literate populations can do things illetetate populations can't.
economic growth and development

pervasive networks create through 3 functions
emergent self organization

Current situtaion we are looking at a number of commons which are endangered:

  • Internet - Us looking to govern internet and control content
  • scientic knowledge - if you do not continue to subscribe to journal a) then back issues access is withdrawn as if you stop subscribing to journal, the publisher comes and removes all your back issues !
  • electromagnetic spectrum - controlled by commerce
Undiscovered rules for group and community action:

Why do we get angry when people sneak in to our line?
Suppliers should be treated as network not indivduals

swarm supercomputing collectives
Open Sourcing software
open source the value chain
open source the process
open source design (www.thinkcycle.org)
open source policy
open source research (Eli Lilley looking for ebay lie answers)
open source society

http://www.cooperationcommons.org/ howard's new plan - open source thinking

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