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Thursday, August 31, 2006

London Games festival Fringe

We’re beginning to get some shape to the London Games Festival fringe programme’ which will look at activity outside the mainstream video games industry, exploring aspects of interactive entertainment as culture, creative form and a market that falls outside the recognised games industry. The Fringe will involve performances, exhibitions, master classes and seminars, participatory workshops and, of course, opportunities to play.
Highlights of the programme include:

Lizards’ Lair
Central London location - 2nd October
Got an idea for a new game? Want to meet the makers and work at a games developer? Then this is the event for you. The London Games Festival is inviting you to enter your game idea, and then if successfully picked, present and pitch the concept to a panel of industry experts from some of the most respected publishers and developers. Each panellist will select their favourite game and the winners will receive a week’s hands on experience at a games company.

Playing Films, Watching Games
BFI’s National Film Theatre - 7th October
Playing films, watching games will be the forum for an exploration of the convergence between what are arguably the two most powerful entertainment forms. This event will see a panel of some of the most innovative drivers from film and games come together to discuss how the two industries currently relate to each other, and where they are taking us.

Sense of Play - A Game Design Symposium
Central London location - 6th October
Sense of Play is a one-day symposium, co-sponsored by the University College for the Creative Arts. The event aims to promote lively debate on the nature of game design: what it means to different people - both inside and outside the industry. Games designers are often considered to be key to the medium’s creative future and this event asks how we can best equip emerging talent to square up to the considerable challenges they face as the industry moves forward. Sense of Play will also look at whether talent from other industries could make a difference to the creative process.

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