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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Attention, and economies 2.0

Dan Hill has an amazing post regarding the topic of what i call content 2.0.

Much talk in new media has revolved around concepts of 'Web 2.0' and 'attention economies'. The paucity of thinking in both of those worlds is often frustrating. Pure Web 2.0 media models don't allow for much in the way of composition or orchestration towards a particular arc - other than the sub-set of activity facilitated by emergent behaviour. It's often a case of "if you build it, hope they'll come" whilst implying most previous systems of organisation are either irrelevant or out-of-control. Talk of an attention economy invariably concerns itself with how bottom-up organisation might reinforce bottom lines, and little else.

I'm not sure that 'attention seeking' is a theme we really need to be encouraging at this point, particularly around the contemporary media.

So I here is a look at a couple of ways of organising or articulating movements in media, without losing the intrinsic power of out-of-control media ... to plot a course between between the top-down, fully-articulated, designed, broadcast models and the fully-participative, emergent, vernacular, bottom-up, open-ended models. Essentially believing there is some value in both, and lots in their potential fusion. Ideally, this would be something beyond simple 'push versus pull'. I've been looking for potentially useful analogies as a result. The purpose of these analogies is to suggest alternative ways of thinking, to spike preconceived ideas with previously unrelated examples, in the hope that these 'spikes' will stimulate some thoughts in your own mind about a different stance with which to approach this new landscape .

read more: http://www.cityofsound.com/blog/2006/08/movements_in_mo.html#more

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