We Have Moved

Pixel-Love is now at: pixellove.wordpress.com

A copy of the content remains here so links don't break, but everything is ported, so if you want to look through the archives we suggest you head over to the new site.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Develop Conference opens today

Tuesday sees the opening of the Develop in Brighton conference.  The mobile Day and serious games workshop:
Serious Games Workshop

Ben Sawyer
Half Day Workshop · Tuesday, 11 July

Increasingly game developers and the technologies they are creating are finding use in derivative industrial sectors. From defence to healthcare to education and corporate training more and more the potential pool of clients for game development skills and output is expanding. Diversifying into other markets is always tricky but the results could be substantial. Small and large projects in the so- called "serious games" field are growing and savvy developers are using such new opportunities to smooth their cashflow, increase their R&D capabilities, and find new customers for existing IP that might otherwise have laid dormant.

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