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Monday, March 06, 2006

Lionhead Layoffs

Reports on the Internet have recently suggested that developer Lionhead has reduced the number of development teams it has from two to three. This would cut the amount of staffers by nearly 100. If the layoffs are true, poor performance of Black & White 2 and The Movies last year may be the primary culprit.

In response to the layoff talks, Lionhead employee Van Tillburgh offered this somewhat cryptic response on the company's message boards, "Over the last few months Lionhead has been working on plans for a new AAA world class game. As work on a number of its titles draws to a close, a pool of 100 super talented developers at Lionhead are available to create a new super team at Lionhead. This will be in addition to an existing team which is working on an amazing next generation title. This strategy was presented to Lionhead this morning in a company meeting but sadly it will mean some redundancies.

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