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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

OCR announces new interactive media qualification

OCR announces new interactive media qualification :

UK educational awarding body OCR has announced the launch of a new nationally recognised qualification in interactive media, designed to provide the required skills for employment in digital media and gaming.
The OCR iMedia qualification has been specifically created to meet the needs of students and young professionals seeking a career in the interactive entertainment and digital media industries, offering a broad range of skills and competencies with an extensive list of optional modules for students who wish to specialise in a particular area.
Developed with extensive industry consultation, iMedia is delivered at two levels, ideally crafted for secondary school students looking for an entry into the games industry, and those wishing to formalise their vocational experience or pursue a career change.
Level 2 modules include digital animation, sound and video, game design, web authoring and 2D game engines, and the more advanced qualification level includes additional components focusing on 3D game design, 3D game engines and a range of video and sound editing modules.
Mary Bennett, OCR's assistant director of vocational assessment, commented: 'The world of creative interactive media is fast-moving and requires a work force that is up-to-date and can respond quickly to change, growth and innovation. OCR iMedia has been designed to provide learners of all abilities with the opportunity to have their skills formally accredited so that they can shine in the workplace, or make the first steps on their journey to a non-traditional career.'
The iMedia qualification will be available through thousands of educational centres across the country, and further information on the course structure, design and availability can be found by visiting the newly launched iMedia micro-site.

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