We Have Moved

Pixel-Love is now at: pixellove.wordpress.com

A copy of the content remains here so links don't break, but everything is ported, so if you want to look through the archives we suggest you head over to the new site.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Pixel-Lab interviewed by BBC about Bully

I was asked to participate in the BBC's Politics show last week. It featured a discussion about Rockstar's Bully.

Broadcast on the Sunday before Xmas it featured Dave Doak, FRD, myself, Roger Bennett, ELSPA, and Keith Vaz MP. It centered around the danger of Bully falling into the wrong hands and the game becoming damaging to the work by anti bullying groups. The industry argues that a product cannot be banned before it has been seen, as Bully hasn't been seen by anyone yet.

The piece was quite well balanced, but I looked fat, tired and shabby (what do you expect of a new dad)

You can see more here.

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