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Friday, December 02, 2005

BBC Research: UK Gamers

BBC Research commissioned a UK study of gaming in the media context. BBC News got a preview, and have done a little snapshot of the major headlines; the big paper bit is being laid out and subbed. Probably another week or so in the works.

To understand how games fit into people's everyday lives, the BBC carried out extensive research commissioned by BBC Audience Research, New Media, as part of a wider Creative Research & Development study.

Some of the more interesting facts:

  • The project profiled UK gamers and non-gamers from 6 to 65 and found that almost 60% played games.
  • Of those, 48% are women and 100% of 6 to 10-year-olds play games.
  • The average age of the UK gamer is 28, perhaps much higher that one might expect.
  • Unsurprisingly, those born in the 90s do not know life without games.
  • Perhaps more unexpectedly, 51% of the 36 to 50s play games, and the figures are still rising.
  • Across all age groups, 48% of gamers are female. The biggest gender gap is in the 36 to 50 age group, but the gap is only 10%
  • Most of the UK's gamers - especially those under 35 - play on consoles, such as the Xbox, PS2 or GameCube. PCs dominates for the over-35s.
  • Across the ages, web-based games are popular, with both males and females. Mobiles and handhelds proved big with younger groups.
  • Gamers are more likely to have digital TV, broadband and other technologies in the home; 37% of 16 to 24-year-old gamers download TV and films from the net already.

thanks to Alice Taylor at Wonderland

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