We Have Moved

Pixel-Love is now at: pixellove.wordpress.com

A copy of the content remains here so links don't break, but everything is ported, so if you want to look through the archives we suggest you head over to the new site.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Now THAT is a review

From KG:
"Review of Quantic Dream’s fascinating Fahrenheit which I wrote for The Guardian. Long-form review, of about 1000 words. There’s also some additional material I wrote about the games which lead to Fahrenheit - Omnikron, Shenmue, Grim Fandango and The Longest Journey."

For a respected national newspaper to run a full-page review of a videogame, for no other reason that it’s a new videogame that’s worth talking about is completely unprecedented. While it’s experimental at the moment, it’s an ongoing thing. Long-form intelligent writing about videogames, weekly, exactly the same way they’d cover other pop-artefact. If you want to talk about cultural acceptance of games, this is as big a step as there’s ever been.

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