We Have Moved

Pixel-Love is now at: pixellove.wordpress.com

A copy of the content remains here so links don't break, but everything is ported, so if you want to look through the archives we suggest you head over to the new site.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

British Games Institue

This will be my new job. once i work out how to make it work.
The UK games Industry needs help. help from the government.
like the film council, or the design council.
the anwser is the BGI.
it will be based in a posh new building in lemington spa or derby
it will house an incubation facility, culture development, business development support, post graduate teaching, and a research lab.
it will be funded by the dti, dcms, nesta, skillset, and as many others as i can think of
and i will be in charge.
it will revolutionise game development in the UK

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